
Contact STUDIO:
(08) 9361 1300

Breast Forms



The range of size, shape, profile, weight, feel, adjustment and temperature options varies with the type of breast form and whether the breast form will be worn every day, for sport, or swimming.

For everyday wear, breast form size is matched to the bra cup. For a unilateral mastectomy shape is matched to the natural breast. Viewed from the front, a symmetrical shape suits a more tear drop breast shape and an asymmetrical shape is better when there is more breast tissue at the side. Viewed from the side, the profile of the breast form is used to match the volume of upper breast tissue. For a bilateral mastectomy, size and shape can be based on body shape and preference.

The weight of the breast form can affect wear comfort and posture. For a unilateral mastectomy, if the breast form is too light the heavier natural breast can pull the bra down on one side. For a bilateral mastectomy, if the breast forms are too light the bra is likely to ride up. For both, the right weight can improve posture.

Just like the natural breast, the firmness of the breast form affects what someone feels when they hug you. It can also affect wear comfort if it is too firm when sitting.

Links & Information

STUDIO RANGE Products   Go to Breast Form & Shaper, select a breast form type, then click on a product to see how the shape, profile, weight and feel compares with other breast forms.

RECOVERY & LIFESTYLE Suggestions   Go to Mastectomy then click on the ‘before, after or a while ago’ options to see garments suggestions.

BreastCare WA
31 Teddington Rd Burswood WA

Trading Hours Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm

Go to the Trading Day Calendar

Off-Street Parking at the Door

T (08) 9361 1300
E info@breastcarewa.com.au